I've been playing this game for a few years and have managed to adapt to most of the changes made most of the time. However it would seem with this update the ability to grow your empire has been significantly reduced, and the AI's abilities have been seriously increased. With the SB admin limitations, credit/resource cost of upgrades, loss of the ability to boosting duranthium, prometheon, thulium, planetary upgrades output, our complete impossibility of earning enough credits to pay for all the maintenance costs, and the hard cash drops for all the upgrades to starbases, makes this game impossible. And this city thing taking up valuable tile space, and the fact that they cost so dm much makes it impossible to raise the pop level of any planet above the 3B base mark under 100 turns, and good luck buying it,,because you got no credits, is retarded. And really,,,7 admin to start with? I can understand the starbase spam argument,,but I feel like this admin thing is like a business trying to expand, but the government caps your franchise to just 7 stores,,wtf? If you want to make some limitations on starbases, cap it per star system held for christ sake! 4 starbases for each inhabited system would seem appropriate. This game is all about cap limitations,,and credit costs that are almost impossible to attain. Fix the IMBALANCE.