I absolutely abhor the idea of a mobile gaming movement. I think the best gaming experience is firing up your console or PC in the comfort of your own home, and settling in for an immersive, mind-blowing experience. Mobile gaming devices are pretty much just for keeping yourself occupied when you don't have access to your PC or console.
And yet I can't help but notice, Offworld Trading Company would make a perfect port to tablet. The interface and gameplay are already perfectly suited to be played on a tablet. All you would have to do is add in a "touchscreen mode" where swiping scrolls the map, and you'd be set. I don't even use hotkeys; just the mouse. So tablet players could easily play just using their fingers.
Hell, you could even add "touchscreen mode" to the PC version. Touchscreen monitors exist. People with touchscreen monitors would basically play OTC like on Minority Report and Star Trek, touching their monitors and swiping and things like that. It would be great.
If OTC ever makes it big in e-sports, I can imagine like, a Yu-Gi-Oh battle arena where the opponents get raised up on platforms each with a monitor in front of them, wearing stylish leather jackets and duking it out like that in front of an audience.