While clearly there has been attention given to the visibility of resources on the map I still find the overall experience not without problems.
(Note all images are easier to parse when still opposed to when you pan around the map)
Aliasing on Resource nodes
Even with Anti-Aliasing enabled resource nodes cause visibility problems when viewed from far away and sometimes requires zooming in in order to correctly identify them: (This is low + AA, it's the same with high + AA, I tried it)
The resource nodes are bigger during startup phase, while the lines are sometimes disappearing around the edges, you can still make out the number of stacks. Once you placed your HQ down however the resource nodes shrink, now the separating lines between the stacks disappear, the top-middle-coal node is ambigous, either 2 or 3stack, jiggling the camera around or zooming in can help identify the stack size.
A possible solution to this maybe would be to add outlines in a fragment-shader, similar to what cel-shading games do, that always draw the outline in a certain strength independent of the viewing distance, but I could easily be wrong here.
Color conflicts
Iron and Silicon tend to blend in with the terrain texture for me, Iron especially is very hard to spot, geothermal vents also tend to get swallowed by nearby iron deposits when you scroll around the map.
The resource highlighting you get when trying to place a building that can process the resource has an always teal ground highlight and thus conflicts with Aluminium, it also has a similar brightness when placed on snow, worst to spot here is teal on lots of snow with no 3stack that would pulse:
On top of that you can't isolate certain resources in this way, e.g. Metal Mines always highlight Iron and Aluminium and there's no way to highlight them separately.
Resource highlighting works better when the ground texture is not covered in snow for me.
Finding resource types around an interesting spot during startup phase:
While resource nodes are bigger in the startup phase, the color conflict still makes spotting hard (especially Iron). In the old UI there is a total count of spotted resources at the top, if you click on a resource type in the top it camerajump-cycles through the various spawn positions of the respective resource. This actually isn't what I would usually want, my experience is that I find a seemingly good starting position, e.g. a position where water and iron is adjacent to a scientific colony and now I want to know how far away the other resources are from that position. Cycling through all the resource positions is not what I would want, I'd like to pan around my start position and quickly spot the resource nodes around it.
A suggestion that comes to my mind is to make resource-highlighting, similiar like when you try to place a building (highlighted ground texture, pulsating 3stacks), the default behavior when clicking the resource UI counters at the top to spot them more quickly.
Another way to do this maybe would be to make the ground-texture in the startup phase colorless so resources are easier to spot, or to add a mode to toggle the terrain texture color on/off, which I would personally prefer to have after the startup phase as well.
Supply ship colors:
I feel like the current colorscheme is inverted as to how it should be. Most of the ship should be colored in the playercolor and not the resourcecolor as it is arguably much more important to differentiate ships between players then between resources. (Maybe this could be toggleable?)
There are situations where I care more about quickly being able to differentiate supply ships between players then between resources. I would find a toggleable hotkey between those two color-codings useful (the "primary" color that takes most of the supply ship in one being colored according to the resource of the ship, and colored according to the player in the other).