I'm having issues on todays Daily, beta 7. Lagg on auctions, claiming etc. I didn;t get past the day 1 auction, I had to turn it off.
The new UI is dreadful imo, big step backwards. The font (particularity the 0 with the dot in it) is very difficult to read/process, before it was very easy to distinguish prices, now it is difficult, you could say it will take time to get use to, but the whole package is wrong. My son dislikes the UI too, says the "texture is wrong", imo before it was sharp and defined now it is embossed and slightly confusing, it's cartoonish and confusing. The number of resources column is too fat and the + & - for buying and selling are the wrong way round, + on the left please. Pricing rows seem to ripple when moused over. The stock prices and graph (like the graph - good job) the dimension ratio seems wrong, it is also difficult to quickly asses the prices as the font is unclear to me and strangely sized.
Advanced building buttons are too large for my liking and over done, I had trouble interpreting when I had enough cash/ resources to build one. I do like the UI for offworld pricing, please make this thinner. There seems to be a bug when you shift click sends, cannot cancel or create new shift clicks. Also mutiny events do not show any info. Auction boxes - the flaws are numerous and obvious.
The sharpening of some terrain features is good, however the general land texture seems to worse.
Imo this UI is a step backwards, I (and many others) liked the old UI, sure some things could be improved, but this implementation has had a negative effect on my enjoyment of the game, potentially game breaking.