A couple things, people had pointed out a couple of those ( not on forums yet I believe though)
1. Sometimes when it's matching you up against a certain player you end up in a game with a completely different player, I don't know if it changes your opponent or just that the name isn't displayed properly while you're "preparing to launch"
2. People seem to crash out of quick match rather frequently (maybe I just had an unlucky streak of opponents with bad connection?)
3. Statistics are not displayed properly, my current stats are 12 wins 6 losses even though I'm fairly certain I have not lost a game yet (I don't think I've crashed/dced either)
All of the above are minor insignificant things compared to point 4 though.
4. I've no idea how to best describe this... Basically, I got into a game, my opponent never founded and quit. But at a certain point I started doing things I wasn't really doing, randomly bought up electronics (I was robo), then sold out of my iron/alu stockpile, scrapped my alu mine (twice); once I upgraded, as I was looking for for the highest silicon something or someone threw down my claims in a triangle in the middle of nowhere (no resources). It's as if I was controlled by the AI (I could still take all my normal actions but someone else could too) or even the other player? He never responded in chat and quit on the second night with AI founding and giving me the win. I am beyond confused, I have the replay, I forget where they are stored though, looking for it currently.
EDIT: It may have been the Martians?