Just wanted to give my feedback on my most recent Daily Challenge. Towards the last 3/5th of the game the following:
- AI spent 24k on Auction for the Patent for Water Powered Buildings. Water was $165/ea but Power was $11/ea. Now that the new client build has you use the cheaper of energy/water, this was a mistake. (Yes, in theory you can build patents to block out other players, but power was abundant from before that point to the rest of the game, so this was a total waste)
- I had "Mrs. Offworld" AI research the Patent for Virtual Reality (+money from Pleasure Dome). Nobody had built a single Pleasure Dome, and nobody had a Patent Office except for Mrs. Offworld. Even worse, Chemicals cost $550/ea so this was an extremely expensive Patent that did absolutely nothing. (Again, yes, there are reasons, but this was stupid)
- Near the very end of the game, there was only one AI and me left. I had the Teleportation Patent, and an auction came up for Pirates. The AI spent 10k (unopposed) on the auction. Yes, you could buy it to prevent me from using them against them, but it seemed really foolish because I was in such a great position to win, it only took me less than a minute to sell-and-buyout the last AI.
I understand that sometimes you should buy things just to prevent others from using them, but in the three examples above, they were usually so cost-uneffective that they did more damage to the buyer than would have happened if an opponent had bought them and used them against that person. I hope that the AI can be upgraded to analyze the financial situation more often, and avoid the "Spend $10 to prevent your $1". I won this game way, way too easily. 
I would also love to see the AI use some randomness in their Sabotage. Once you know what building they targeted (like for an EMP or NV), then they will always target that same building in the cluster making it way too easy to prevent it with Goon Squad. Humans would throw in some element of randomness to keep the players guessing. BTW you can tell which one they targeted because it will be locked out the longest.
I love the game, and these are just observations and suggestions. Keep up the good work and thanks for taking the time to read this.