So, I've just started playing and came across this problem, not that it didnt show the percentage because it did. But rather i didn't understand what it meant. I not dont understand how it is possible to buy out a company with much higher cash reserves than you. Can you please explain this?
The opposition had about $3,500K in cash but $1,500K (x5) in debt (so i assume $7,500K debt) the company was worth -$2,000K. I owned 90% of their company, and 100% of mine. their value was $0.10 and I think mine topped out at $200 per share. I had about $30,000K cash and more in resources.
So i though the 83% shown was the game saying they were in too much debt and were going bankrupt, not that they were going to buy my company out! Are cash reserves not linked to company value?
Also an unrelated question, do goon squads disappear after successfully stopping an attack? And if an enemy EMP is dropped near a protected square the square still gets frozen, it only stops the EMP is the EMP is placed directly on it?
Thanks for your help!