What is 7 days mode?
Never mind, I found your post in another ...post.
For those that missed the stream today, here's what we've learned about this new game mode:
- The game concludes at the end of 7 days (1008 game ticks, or about 16 minutes 48 seconds at Normal speed, excluding pauses for auctions)
- The player with the highest stock price is declared the winner
- Players may buy stock in each other but cannot trigger a buyout-elimination.
- Players may buy stock in the Central Colony for a gradually increasing amount ($5,000 for the first share, with each share bought increasing the next share's cost by $1,000).
- Each share you own in the Central Colony adds a +10% modifier to your stock price. Unsure whether this is cumulative (1 + (.1 * x)) or exponential (1.1 ^ x)
- Players' shares in the Central Colony are listed next to their names.
My thoughts: if your group doesn't like early eliminations and prefers a more "Euro-