How about a somewhat reconfigurable map that can be placed on multiple monitors. For example, right now when you choose a galaxy size you basically get a 5x5 or 6x6, etc. grid. How about you get an additional configuration option to choose the shape of the "grid" For example, instead of having a 6x6 square (i.e. 36 tiles) you get a choice of what shape the 36 tiles should be arranged in - like maybe an "L" shape, or a Rectangle shape, or allow you to design your own galaxy shape - maybe you could design a more "spiral" looking galaxy. The point is you get to place the tiles in whatever shape you want as part of the initial choices when you start to play the game.
The shape could extend across more than one monitor of course, but if you are stuck with a single monitor, or you have a monitor setup in portrait mode for your second monitor, the ability to design your own galaxy shape would allow you to fit it better to your monitor display as well.
Just a thought.