To repeat as well, the game looks incredible. I am still learning the progression and hoping it becomes second nature eventually.
My playstyle is more turtle-esk. I like getting a few planets going and reinforcing the choke point to my capital and surrounding planets/asteroids. I slowly build up my fleet but really enjoy levelling up my capital ships and eventually adding more. For whatever reason my fancy is to see less ships decimate a weaker fleet. But, in doing this, 20 minutes into the game I only have maybe two capital ships at best and maybe a couple frigates for support. I rely on repair platforms, starbases and a major front of cannons defending my gravity well and to repair my ships.
With that being said, on my second attempt just learning the game I'm an hour in, have 5 planets, 2 growing to three capital ships, and have my starbase and realize that the EASY defensive computer is literally at my doorstep with starbases, titan, and a 1200 supply fleet. They have the rest of the stars conquered. Mind you, I started getting all the close planets immediately but, apparently cannot kill the forces fast enough.
Looking at the graph of fleet supply used, at 20 minutes I'm at 55 and the AI is over 110. It increases expotentially from there. Same with their planets.
It is also wildly frustrating that with 2 planets and 3 astroids and all research bunkers and facilities in place, I'm still 1-2 research blocks from a titan and without a 6th or 7th planet, you are literally doomed as it is impossible to lead a large enough force to overcome the AI's block of defenses, repair platforms, and star bases on the next planet over. . before their culture easily outpaces mine.
Its easy for someone to chime in and say well expand faster. . . and my response is you cant even sit an enjoy the battles or enjoy a slower paced game on EASY mind you. This was a non issue in Sins Rebellion because 4 planets were enough (even 1 in most cases) to build 4 military labs and roll out a Titan or easily take on an enemy fleet even if you had an extremely slow start but at least have a star base.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience. I know the game isn't done. I just hope and pray and ask that the devs would turn the AI (or easy and normal AI) down several notches for those of us that are slow/late expanders and build up a small but formidable force. . at least without the AI plopping starbases on every planet within range. I also hope for the same modifiers for income rates, culture, research, etc as Rebellion. The research is obnoxiously slow and theres so few orbital slots you can't just build tons of facilities even with 5 planets. And as another said, it'd be lovely to have the AI playstyles be more in line instead of focusing on massive fleets out of the gate.