I totally apologize. I just noticed that you posted this under Gal Civ III. My response is for Gal Civ IV. Haven't played Gal Civ III for a long time.
Yes, I absolutely do. I can usually get at least 1 planet up over 300. Here are some of the things I do (in no particular order) to boost planet income.
Find a planet with high base income and at least 28 tiles to be you Income generating core world. (in this case I took over a planet thru cultural domination that was better than anything I had).
I don't think if there is such a planet quality in vanilla GCIIII.
Use a Governor with the Income bonus if you can find one, but a Governor
I am playing vanilla so no governor for me.
Colonies a bunch of feeder planets to send income to core income planet. Make sure you pick Orbital Market as one of the Orbital upgrades on each colony.
There is no such a thing as feeder in vanilla GCIII to the best of my knowledge.
Build as many Financial districts as you want (Toria has 13, but I could do more).
The best economical colony improvement I can build is shopping center which is tire II building.
Build a couple of Housing districts to boost pop and and make a bunch of citizens with high Social Skill Entrepreneurs (I have 7 out of 13)
I am not aware of such an improvement.
Research "Genetic Architecture" to boost all citizens Social Skills by 3
Unlock Ideology "Self-Reliance" under Individualism. This will also boost Social Skill by 3.
I am afraid that I am playing GCIII
Surround your planet with Economic Star bases -adds 5% each (I usually do up to 4, but only have 2 around Toria currently).
I was planning to do that. But my planet make 65 credit apart from tourism which is 150. So building star base does not give enough boost given the fact that my tax rate is 25%.
Add Trade Station modules to each Economic Starbase.
Build a "Governors Manor" on a tile that boosts the Gross income bonus to at least a level 4 (that gets another 20%)
Hmmm, I am not sure if I have access to that in GCIII.
Build Mining Bases on any nearby asteroids for another income boost.
I didn't know that would help.
Check out the screen shots below for any other hints I may have missed.
Thanks for the screenshot.