Dear devs,
Give yourselves a pat on the back because this last update deserves 5/5 stars! See ==>
First, I want to point out the things that are really, really good.
1. I love the changes to citizens. Population levels are actually important now. I like that scientists and workers add to base influence, so that your influence is partially linked to your growth. This just makes sense. More citizens = more culture.
2. I love that you guys bundled up starbase modules into a 3-pack. Such a good idea!
3. I love the updates to map generation and the randomness of events. The game feels way more interesting!
4. I love the Luxar! (Haven't played the Phalenoids yet.)
5. I love how much easier it is to design new ships without making them look weird.
6. I love that the game seems to have way fewer bugs than it did a month ago.
There are still some things that need some improvement.
1. The Beacon of Babylon is O.P.A.F. Seriously, wtf.
Let me give some context. I started playing as the Luxar. I got Harmony Crystals on my home planet. I don't know if that always happens for the Luxar, but it happened for me. I also had a few influence-boosting tiles, so I decided to go ahead and build it. (Normally in the past I've avoided it because it boosted research instead of influence for some reason. Good job fixing that, btw.) I built four influence districts and the influence civ improvement (I forget what it's called). That gave me about 500 influence per turn on my home planet. I checked the home worlds of the other civs in my sector, and they were generating under 50 influence per turn. Once I was able to add some tiles to my planet, I built another influence district and the Hall of Unity. I also researched some of the influence boosting techs. That brought my home world influence up to just shy of 1000 per turn. I am still in mid game, but I have already annexed multiple core worlds from the Baratak. This is despite being in a large sector set to distant starting positions. It won't take long before I completely swallow up both the Baratak and the Mimots, the two other races in my sector. (I will post a pic when I do, so plz don't nerf it yet.
2. The Starport is O.P.A.F. Seriously, wtf.
Okay, this one I actually understand. I like how it increases the pace of the game. It's just way too powerful. Build one next to a Colonial Generator, Supply Depot, and Power Plant, and you've got +65% military production. You can get even more with things like Stellar Forge, Helios Ore Refinery, and Governor's Mansion.
The worst part about it is that when you take over planets from other civs, you can tell the AI doesn't understand how to make the most of Starport, so they only get a 5-25% bonus. That's if they even build it at all.
Just with the +1 moves alone, it would still be essential (at least in the early game), so maybe try giving it a flat +20% to military with an additional 3% per level, or something similar.
3. I would really like some kind of in-game reference guide for all the Galactic Achievements. This way you could know what resources you will need to build them, or if they've already been built. This would also let you know exactly what certain Ideology Points (or whatever we're calling them) offer, so that you can make the right choice. Seriously, who has figured out what the Hyperion Shrinker thingy is actually for? The same goes for the unlockable Prestige improvements.
4. I've noticed sometimes the computer civs will just ignore colonizable planets right next door to them. Sometimes these planets are core-world material.