This thread will contain images and descriptions for all my Premium Skins for Windowblinds as they are uploaded to my new web site. Please note that proceeds from my sales are used to help the poor and needy.
LightStar Design – OS Customization Designs
Thanks for your support!
No idea what's going on Alan, I just went ahead and deleted both accounts, go ahead and create a new one with your Outlook email please.
Done that, waiting for email response...
Just a thought, but have you looked in your spam folder?
Yes, first place I looked.
I have emailed my developer about this Alan, sorry for the problem.
No worries Tom, things happen and I am sure it will sort itself out soon enough.
Here are a couple of updated Windowblinds themes for everyone to really enjoy! You definitely should have a look at my Aston Premium and free RetroX themes that are now available on my site! ( LightStar Design - OS Customization ) I really hope everyone likes them, and there will be many more themes to come! 🙂
Not your fault. You'll work through it and get what you deserve from the web host. Keep smiling. The folks who love your work aren't going anywhere.
Yessssss! Me site email issue fixed!
Can you delete both my email addresses Tom so I can try to register again please.
Done Alan, I hope things work out this time.
It has been a couple of more days, so here are a couple of more updated Windowblinds themes for everyone! You really should have a look at my Executive Premium and free Sandera themes that are now available on my site! ( LightStar Design - OS Customization ). I really hope everyone likes them, and there will be many more themes to come! 🙂
Working fine now Tom
Two more days have passed, two more updated Windowblinds themes for everyone available! Head on over and have a look at my Goliath Premium and free Neutrality themes! ( LightStar Design - OS Customization ). I know everyone will really like them. Many more themes to come of course! 🙂
Very cool skins, Tom...Goliath, especially.
Thanks as always Doc!
Well, new web site is TOTALLY screwed up now. Guess I hired an IDIOT company!
Oh no Tom! I'm so sorry!
Most likely c242, but I am screaming and yelling at the only person I am able to have contact with!
So sorry to hear this, Tom. Hope there is a quick resolution to the promlems.
I doubt it Jan, I definitely picked the wrong developer.
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