When: 3 PM EST, 7th April
This weekend will see the second April Fools Cup hosted by the Offworld Trading Company community on Discord. It is a team event exploring some of the mods created by Blues and Philothanic in co-operative play.
This is very much not supposed to be a serious event. New players are as welcome to join as experienced ones.
The event will be played over 5 rounds (roughly 3 hours). The team with the most points cookies wins Rhahi’s hand drawn golden cookie jar.
Mod List
Round 1: SAL-9000 (by philothanic based on kiooeht’s HAL-9000 mod)
All players are assisted by an AI that will potentially make decisions every 5 seconds. AI won’t buy stocks or found for the players.
Round 2: Tag Teams Mod - Shifting Control (by Blues)
Players on a team will swap bases around 21:00 every sol.
Round 3: Tag Teams Mod - Tag Teams (by Blues)
Only one base per team. The player in control of it changes every sol.
Round 4: Archon Mode Mod - Split Control (by Blues)
Only one base per team. All players are in control at the same time, but only have access to certain UI elements (resources, buildings, stocks, black market, founding/HQ upgrades)
Round 5: Archon Mode Mod - Full control (by Blues)
Only one base per team. All players are in control at the same time (no restrictions)
Original Post
Mod Collection
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