This is a rant topic...
I find myself really yearning for a game that would provide some kind of longer term fun and excitement... pretty much only game i played lately was Battlefield 1 and even that one i would not consider superb or anything (bar graphics, that part of it is superb indeed). I can usually play it for 1 hour max before i get bored, but at least, i keep return to it. I am looking at new Call of Duty, i guess that one might be bring me slightly more fun, as historically, i used to prefer CoD to BF, but other than that? Nothing to play, nothing to look forward to.
I used to like car/driving games - 2 years ago got Crew, and once again, while hardly super-exciting, it provided bit of fun for maybe 20,30 hours - until i discovered entire map at least. Was thinking about getting Forza Horizon 3, which was supposed to be similar, but it was like 70 EUROs at launch, and even now, one year later, it still is. Thats bit too much for something i may or may not like. God knows i spent that kind of money before on games, i ended playing like 20 minutes eventually. Since then, i am bit more cautious in this regard. Bottom line, no car game for me.
I would buy NHL 18! If only it was on PC! Not buying console for 300 EUROs just to play single game. Been there before, console broke after 2 years, literally one week after its warranty ended. Did not support latest NHL anyway, as it was PS3, and the new ones are only getting released for PS4/Xbone. So no, thank you, no NHL for me.
I thought about indie games! Saw really interesting review for Sunless Sea, made me want to give it a try... so eventually, i got it. Played it like 45 minutes, 40 minutes out of it reading something, 5 minutes playing. Now i like to read, i like adventure games, the part about say Mass Effect i liked the most were the conversations with other characters, not fights or getting new 1+ dmg rifle to upgrade my character. But this? Safe to say, i never returned to it...
RTS games, used to be my fav genre. I have few latest ones in my Steam. I played the shit out of Sins:Rebellion, so i dont really feeling like playing it. The others, barely played, cause they are either utterly tragic or just polished HD versions of the older games i once loved but these days, i require something new, cause i know those all too well. Act of Agression, Grey Goo, Deserts of Kharak fall into first category, Cossacks 3, Homeworld Remastered, Rise of Nations Extended into second. Steered clear of Dawn of War III, cause once again price too steep for something i may not play much.
Special mention to Ashes, i sort of wish StarDock would stop developing it and would focus on some other IP. Preferably Sins
I just cant find the love for it. I played like one match against CPU when the update with 2 first super-units was released... and that was it. Lately seen info on another 2 upcoming super-units.... it left me completely emotionless, no excitement at all. I recall when i read the first interview about Rebellion, detailing the changes and additions, and i was like WOW, that super-awesome. I could not wait. And it was. Ashes completely lacks this quality, its a dead-game to me and at this point i dont believe any other addition can change that. The reason to it is IMO simple, too much focus on tech side of things and gameplay aspects, nowhere near enough on overall feel, narrative, setting, faction design, immersion.
Please, for love of god, bring back Sins. Or something Sins-like WW2 based. Something with soul, not another generic sci-fi crap. Buy IP to some scifi show if needed - i would kill for say Babylon 5 based game like Sins. Or BSG, or whatever else. Like real Armada 3 
Finally, what about the Star Control. When its gonna be released? Maybe, i could like that one. I like Infinite Space, i assume it may share some similarities, even if not being quite the same...
End of rant.