OK, another step in the right direction, but to me it would just make more sense to revert the change on all of the map sizes so as to not have a massive size jolt between Medium and below and Large+. It seems pretty clear that this has not been an overly positive change (I have yet to say anyone actually LIKE it).
^^^ Joe, most of us on the forums are 'powerusers' of Gal Civ and long time civ players. From what I have read the majority of the steam player base plays on maps large and below.
The thought to come away from this is that even though we are vocal on the forums (you, me, Seilore, horemore and many many others) we probably represent a tiny percentage of the actual player base. I am ok with the changes in density and the fact that maps were made smaller. I like many here only play on insane and would just mod it back if Stardock felt it was needed to stay small. In the end I think we all got what we wanted.
Now about that DLC that should be an Expand Alone. I did not follow the flames from the Ashes storm and fail to see why promoting Crusade should not be an expand alone. Just put up a banner on the box that says....'Fundamentally changes the game.. DO NOT INSTALL IF YOU HAVE TO USE THE WHEEL TO WIN/PLAY"
Anyway, I am sure Frogboy knows far more about marketing than I do. I sell plants/trees and the uh, uniformed folks I deal with are a pure joy!