As the title says, this bug is STILL happening. I asked Paul during the aniversary stream on the 19th about this bug. He stated it has been fixed but was unsure wether it actualy made it into 1.71. Now the patch notes list it as been "fixed" also. It still happens. Can we get please get a Hotfix for this? Or atleast some offical word on the matter??
Yes, please, dev's a hotfix would be nice as this really hampers those playing really large galaxies and especially if they want to pursue all 3 ideology trees.
Thx .. neilkaz ..
Yes, please fix it!
I continued to get Events up to colony 44. After I collected a precursor relic/anomaly (which was colony 45) I stopped getting Colony events. I uploaded saves prior and after along with support diagnostic information.
This is update 1.71
We're looking into this.
New Informations here?
35 Planets, - 2 Precursor with Event ... 36. .. no Event
This is still happening. Any estimates on a fix for this show-stopper?
Not ready to announce an official date, but it will be soon .
1st I want to say thank you all for your time and work on this very enjoyable game and good luck on getting this bug squashed soon.
I have 33 colonies total counting 2 precursor worlds - a promethion refinery and a precursor factory. Colony 34 triggers no ideology event. Should I send the save game or do you have enough data now? This is a game started in 1.70 and now using 1.71.
For folks who find this bug ultra annoying, I do have a pseudo-fix by way of a mod:
[1.7.1] [MOD] Colonization Kludge - A kludgy pseudo fix for the current Colonization Bug
What I did was copy the 30 colonization events 10 times and threw them into a modified xml file. Running that mod will give folks 330 colonies to colonize which should cover most cases.
As with most mods, it does only work with new games, FWIW.
Better fix -- check out the opt-in!
I can confirm that this is indeed GONE as of the 1.8 opt-in!
(there's a new bug about things not showing up right away on the planet info screen, but that's of much much much less concern)
So thanks for fixing this, Stardock!!!
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