Next week, we are going to be starting the sixth tournament, using a 4p FFA format and on the next_version branch.
- Reveal Map, Masquerade all turned ON.
- Each matchup will continue until one player has won two games.
- To signup, please reply below and specify which day(s) you are available to play:
Monday, Dec. 7th, @10am EST
Tuesday, Dec. 8th, @2pm EST
Wednesday, Dec. 9th @2pm EST
Thursday, Dec 10th, @11am EST
- 16 slots are available
1. Soren Johnson (all days)
2. Gameslayer (Tues, Wed, Thurs)
3. Showcasemike (all days)
4. Veivi (Tues, Wed)
5. Cubit (Tues, Wed)
6. SirRogers (Thurs)
7. PBHead (All)
8. Blues (All)
9. Ultrapope (Tues, Wed)
10. Darkas (Wed)
11. Zuzani (Thurs)
12. Thespinscycle (Mon, Thurs)
13. Blackmagic (Tues)
14. Dermas (Thurs)
16. Kingmorgan (Tues, Wed) tenative?