Missing popup for "spawnprotected" resources while in claim-mode
This should be fixed in beta 7.
BUG: Slide-notifications get stuck when you enter the ingame-menu while they are shown
This was a great find. Got the fix in beta 7. (Not a great fix, but it won't be stuck.)
BUG: The player stock-window can overlap text notifications in team games
This will be fixed in beta 8.
Missing popup when constructing buildings
I didn't fix this yet. I forgot what it was.
Missing hotkey for toggling building power
I think control + click toggles power. Does that work for you?
Missing hotkey and popup for PING
This will be fixed in beta 8.
Missing popups for your debt-count, bank-count and claim-tile-button.
This should be fixed in beta 7.
Change the duration-format of black-market effects like Goon squad or EMPs by splitting them into higher time-units then merely seconds, i.e. 190s -> 3m10s
I'll talk to Soren about this.
Thank you so much for all this. This has been a huge hit.