First, thanks Mohobie, Lavo_2, Turkwise and Larsenex for the advice given
Another more direct synopsis can be gleamed by making a custom race and flipping through the tech trees. Beyond that you could explore the xml files if you for some reason really needed to see every single tech in each tree.
Yes, creating a custom race is what I intended. The problem for me is, there are different tech trees to choose from (like Terran, Basic, Altarian...) and every tech tree has some (seemingly) special techs and with them unique buidling with of course unique stats. I can't remember them all, so I either have to write them all down and make some excel list to just compare the differences. Then I would be able to weigh the different advantages and disadvantages etc. and play the optimization-game.
...Simply put, that doesn't exists anywhere because it just depends on the game your in...
You are right of course, I obviously didn't make myself clear, but should have forseen this misunderstanding. An optimal strategy is both discrete and flexible, will suit for every situation, is both simple and infinitly complex. A strategy then becomes an infinte well of imperatives for every scenario. This is what I mean by "optimal". In this definition it well exists, although it is less like a book and more like a library or a rubic cube.
As for the OP:
Including documentation for everything you want would be a waste of time and resources for the developer...
I see your point of course, but I'm pretty sure that the developers themself have excel sheets with tech trees for example. I guess it would be a days worth of work, maybe two, to convert that to a wiki-readable format. The issue here for me is, weigh 2 days work for a developer against (X customers times Y hours of confusion) or the time the fans need to write the wiki, which I estimate to be much higher than the time the devs would need because they don't have to reverse engineer or gather the information in a collaborative effort. After having written a large part of the Europa Universalis 4 Wiki I gotta say my motivation for writing another wiki just to play the game in any orderly fashion - in my view of course - is quite low.
Also, the wiki will eventually get built up. For a minority this will be part of the experience, for the majority it will be frustrating or at least unhelpful to don't find the right info in the wiki, especially shortly after launch. So I guess I will either have to write the wiki or sit back for a few weeks to wait for other people to have written the tech tree-articles in the wiki because I don't get paid to invest that much time - unlike the developers.
...I would strongly warn against playing max map, max difficulty in this game. ...It is for people who want to spend weeks or months on a single game. I wouldn't recommend getting that invested into a single game until you've learned the ins and outs of the game by experiencing it.
Well my current (multiplayer, not-modded-timeline, max difficult) game of EU4 is going on for nearly 6 months now and will probably take another 2 months to complete, so I seem to be the type for the long game
Also I seem to learn more and better from long and difficult games. Well maybe not max difficulty, but max size is a must for me
So in conclusion, I'd like to point out that I understand the difficulties the developers face, but providing documentation for such a game is part of the product. The shift of work for the creation of the documentation from the developers to the customers is not only inefficient, ineffective, not customer-orientated but above all getting on my nerves
PS: Anyone has a comparison sheet for all the techs and buildings in GC3?