If you are irritated by the lack of spectacular of special improvements like the Hyperion Shrinker, here's how you can make it and other ones like it work civ wide. just copy you improvements file into a mod and copy this to the improvement hyperion shrinker:
<!-- Begin Improvement -->
<!-- Stats -->
<!-- Triggers -->
<!-- Level Effect Trigers -->
<!-- Level Effect Stats -->
<!-- Adjacency Bonuses -->
<!-- Prerequisites -->
<!-- End Improvement -->
the key part is the MassCap stat that makes it global, vs. the trigger that added MassCap only in that shipyard. the same stat can be added to other improvements like the hyperion logistics system to give a bonus to logistics to the entire civ also by adding in the proper effect type.
if there is any problem let me know, although t worked fine in my game. As always remember to make back up files first!