CPlair is on Facebook. I "talked" with him several times recently. He is quite well and into archery, it seems. Is Curtis Plair who you mean, Mark?
Yup, that's the bloke I'm talking about orright. We used to exchange a bit of banter in the Screenshots gallery way back when, but then I stopped submitting screenies due to illness and we sorta lost touch. It's great to know that he's doing okay, though... and archery is something that I used to love as well.
As a teenager I made my own bow and it turned out really well, with power, distance and great accuracy. Put it this way, it performed better than my next door neighbour's sports bow that his parents paid a couple of hundred pounds for.... my parents were not as well off and probably would not have bought me one anyway [too dangerous], hence having to make my own.
Now that was more acceptable to them, like how could a 14 y/o kid make a bow that could do any real harm? How little did they know. Sadly, my relocation from the UK to Oz meant that I had to leave it behind with the next door neighbour [who always coveted it]... who then promptly went out and killed one of the local farmer's cows with it, which made me wish I had destroyed it instead... despite weeks and weeks of whittling, bending and testing to get it just right.
Ah, the good old days, when a kid could go out in a country laneway, find a perfect piece of Yew and make a bow that Robin Hood would have been proud of.
Yep....when you're insulted by him you know for sure you've been doing something wrong alright...
Yeah, I copped a few classic insults from the great man, all of which were funny and made me laugh. Yup, a great bloke to have around.