This is a suggestion that a display be available that is like the "colonies" display (which is not implemented yet). However, the title would be "systems".
A "system" is a collection of planets (and perhaps starbases) that is based on a shipyard. Each planet which is connected to a shipyard is a part of the system.
Starbases exerting influence over these planets/shipyard might also be included.
Systems might be able to be named to help recognition (the name would be associated with the shipyard).
The most important listing for System X would all of the ships garrisoned on the planets, starbases, and shipyard in the system. This listing might be just the numbers of ships in each category: tiny, small, mediium, etc. Perhaps another column for non-combat ships.
What is the point? I have been playing on huge systems with occ/com/com as my choices. Lots of planets, lotsa stuff. At present, I can either read done the list of individual starships and try to remember where they are and also whether certain systems are ungarrisoned (yes there is a symbol in the colony list but it doesn't say how many starships). Or more likely I will click on one planets and starbase and shipyard to figure out where everything is, very tedious.
Even if one only plays in a less dense galaxy, a single colony will potentially have starbases and a shipyard. Click multiple times to see what's there.
This is just a general idea and if it has any merit needs a substantial amount of refining, of course.
What do you think? The idea comes because gc3 is based on shipyards that are distinct from colonies.