Thanks again.
- new descriptions: I'm not sure about this change. Most of the details are already shown by the UI, making this superfluous. Only certain bonuses really need to be mentioned, because they are either not shown at all or it is hard to tell what type of bonus they are (planetary or ability).
I like consistency so I either mention all properties or none.
- Farming: The food-increase from Xeno Farm (2) to Intensive Farming (6) is still quite big, while Advanced Xeno Farm (7) adds only a little more. Changing the bonuses to 2/4/6 would make more sense.
I'll do this in my new mod. APT1.2 was a straight fix and 2/6/7 while stupid is not broken.
- Terraforming still has no QueryGraphicName
Can't find one either. I'm ok with it.
- Spin Control Center: The description is a little off. "The SCC will make ships orbiting the home planet of the SCC will appear five times as stronger in our military score." Should be "The SCC will make ships orbiting this planet appear five times stronger in our military score."
I'll fix this.
- Orbital Terraformer: "* insteatly terraforms all owned planets" should be "* instantly terraforms all owned planets"
I'll fix this.
- Omega Defense System: "* 100% HP for ships build on planet" should be "* 100% HP for ships orbiting this planet"
I'll fix this.
- Eyes of the Universe: "* 10 sector increase of sensors" isn't quite correct. The EotU increases the Sensor ability by 10, yes, but it also increases the sensor range by an additional 20%.
Didn't know this, I'll incliude it.
- Artificial Slave Center: "* ~22% military production on all planets" is not correct. The ASC increases the total military production (base + all bonuses) on all planets by 50%.
Aha. It came out as about 22% in my test game.
- Hyperion Shrinker: "Why develop a new gun what you can bring two, right?" should be "Why develop a new gun when you can bring two, right?"
I'll fix this.
- Temple of Evil/Righteousness/Neutrality are still bugged. Temple of Evil should use MaxAlignment of 35 (40 is Neutral). Temple of Righteousness should use MinAlignment of 66 (60 is still Neutral). Temple of Neutrality should use MinAlignment of 36 and MaxAlignment of 65.
I didn't get this one first time around. Must have misread.
- Hall of Empathy: "* Doubled change other civs surrender to you" should be "* Doubled chance that other civs will surrender to you"
I'll fix this.
- Pain Amplifier: "* 20% manufacturing on planet" should be "* 20% research on planet"
I'll fix this.
- Wretched Harvester: "while also increasing morale by." The "by" should be removed.
I'll fix this.
- Space Cannon: "The space canon" should be "The space cannon".
I'll fix this.
- Stellar Forge: "The Stellar Forge the Arcean's crowning achievement." should be "The Stellar Forge is the Arcean's crowning achievement." The rest of the description only mentions the bonus to HP, but not the bonus to damage and defense for ships built on this planet.
- Technology Matrix L1: The description doesn't mention the maintenance cost.
I'll fix this.
- Manufacturing Matrix L1: The description doesn't mention the maintenance cost.
I'll fix this.
- Welfare01 - Welfare03: HowAIWouldVote is still 5 (vote for enemy or random person) even though it is a Yes/No question. Should be 2.
Yeah I checked this out and I don't know doesn't it mean that the AI votes yes if the richest civ is an enemy and doesn't care otherwise?