Nah! been around galactic civilization..too simple too. I've been around the gaming world when most of you where just a twinkle in your father's eyes, and yet, after all those years, I still do not see anything made by anyone who is truly an "all that".
Yes some, by mediocrity, hides behind lame excuses or pathetic explanations..but the fact is: you CAN have "speed", graphics and extra complexity; an "all in one" game.....but that's only for REAL gamers, I suppose, to desire and for "business" to have the balls and pride for it.
{I remember, many years ago, a fail attempt was made to built one, 31 patches released, but to no vail (can't remember the darn name of it); but I think that more than a decade later, systems and programers has improved quite enough to pull it out, if they are professional and talented enough to really go beyond and take it all}
Casting a game in category (x4 etc) is the biggest mistake that can be done for the future of the industry, as true gamers (not just wannabe who take easy achievements as "something") wants a mega game that will glue them to their screen for days, year long and will challenge every single parts of them, in every direction.
Now for the Nayers or the paid posters: Sorry, I simply do not deal well with mediocrity and always expect much, much more: I see the potential in this game, now let's see if it stay in the "safe but mediocre" avenue..or rise to become much more.