ok, where to start...
Goodkind's Sword of Truth - compared to wheel of time its way easier to read (wording and phrase wise) - overall plot is okay but not much is left up to guesses - some nice books but just not as good
For the Malazan Books - I personally found the beginning a bit hard - just couldn't get into the story - i might pick it up later again though
As for Sanderson - loved all his books (but the Alcatraz ones) - and yes as some mentioned before "The Way of Kings" is a must read imo.
Also in that same category as "The Way of Kings" - Brent Weeks "Lightbringer" Series - at Book 2 as of now - Using Light for Magic but with consequences of loss of sight/sanity if overused, etc...
Or Peter V. Brett's Demon Cycle starting with "The Painted Man" / "The Warded Man" (in the US) and is currently at Book 2 (Desert Spear) as well.
Also mentioned already: Anne Bishops: Black Jewels Series - Quite Dark Story wise and the earlier books are better than the later but i enyoied them.
A Bit different: Dawn Cooks (Kim Harrison) - Truth Series - Quite interesting play on a magical System using Bards and such...
James Barcley: The Chronicles of the Raven and The Legends of the Raven - I very much liked these thoughI couldn't point out right now why - well maybe one thing comes to mind - some characters that where built up for the story just suddenly died etc...
The Balgariad Saga - read it back then and liked it - not sure if i would like it as much nowadays though.
For none printed stuff:
Read: Anthony Ryan's Blood Song (Raven's Shadow) - one of the best epic Fantasy Novels I read honestly - only the first in the series availible as of now though.
and David A. Wells: The Sovereign of the Seven Isles starting with Thinblade - I would honestly compare these to Brandon Sandersons work - no kidding.
or for a shorter Read Andrea K Höst's: Medair
If we're going towards Urban Fantasy:
Most Defnitly: Jim Butchers Dresden Files - just good 
Also worth mentioning: The Iron Druid Chronicles from Kevin Hearne - just love the main Character - a centuries old Druid that is "friends" with "the Morrigan - Celtic War/Death Goddes.
Also worth of Note: Rachel Caines "Weather Warden Series" - or Devon Monks "Allie Beckstrom Novels" (recently finished series)
And of Course Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter Novels.
and so many more but that are the highlights i recall reading an liking from the top of my head.