Quoting Mystikmind, reply 5Lucky i wasn't drinking my coffee when i opened Vandenburg's link because the first thing i saw was change number 1 'fixed memory Leaks".... I would have spat my coffee all over the computer monitor!!!!
It didn't say fixed ALL memory leaks, They have fixed memory leaks. Those things must be tricky to pin down (CIV III still had memory leaks post final patch). I predict it will be number 1 change every time they find a new one to fix.
The first time i ever saw an out of memory error was playing galciv2! Never seen it in any other game - or a persistent crash consistent with such an issue. There could be memory leaks in other games, i dunno? but somehow they do not result in persistent crashes, i suppose possibly because the average play time is not long enough, i dunno?