Iztok, ty for your time.
Actually no - there are no Econ SB on the whole map present.
I´ve backchecked the planetary bonuses (from colonization) - there is/are none. [The planet with the 1344 flasks output IS the starting planet - so there wasn't any "colonization"]
I don´t have the RCC built. But even if I had - the 25% of it won´t make 1344 out of 754.
However, I'm having trouble on ALL my worlds to calculate the research output. Somehow the number of flasks is always higher as it should be. I did never even come close to it. So the thought I had was - the current game is bugged.
So I started a new one. Same problem. Right off the start!
I re-loaded old games. Again.
So I thought my installation is damaged. But Impulse veryfied it´s all okay. [btw, the numbers shown above are from Dark Avatar v2.01]
I started some games on DL - same problem. I actually have 2 installations of DL - tried both, problem persists.
The only time when the number of flasks equates to your formula is - when there is no racial bonus, no "outside" bonus, and no planetary bonus. In such a game, the Capitol who has an output of 24rp *1*1 = 24 flasks.
But as soon as I only build a single EconSB to that planet and use one constructor to give +5% bonus - the number of flasks are shown as 26. But 24rp*1*1.05 = 25,2. Should be 25.
Furthermore, if I only choose Technologists = 20% racial bonus, then the number of flasks shown on the Capitol is also wrong - right from start. As soon as there are any %-enhancing bonuses - such as racial, Political Party, Planetary or SB - this formula won´t work correctly in ANY of my games.
If you want, I can host some screenshot of all the in-game info, at your leisure. However, if you have DA v2.01 on your system I´d be overtly interested if that phenomenon occurs there [or on any other readers'...] too.
Further, as said I play as Altarians - but I tried the other races as well - and the problem is there exactly the same.