Notorious, the "psychology of the masses" you reference has almost nothing to do with politics. And psychology is a science, it is the study of the mind. If you mean the mindset of the people, then you have a limited point.
You mentioned that if one hears many people say the same thing they will accept it to be true. This was confirmed in a experiment on group compliance, in which, people were asked to judge which line of several was the longest. The first answers were given (incorrectly) by people who were aware of the experiment, and the person not aware of the experiment doubted there own judgement and went with the group's answer the majority of the time.
Now that THAT is out of the way...
A figure head IS exactly what i defined it to be.
"The president represents a collective group of ideas from people both in public and behind the scenes. He does not just represent himself. He is the figure head of American government."
You confuse "Figure head" with"Public Face" The president is the national and international face of america. His actiona reflect on all of us.
"I'm sure you know what i mean by the masses so i won't insult you with a definition but you must understand that while in a group of individuals we all have our own minds, people tend to think as a collective when presented with the idea of the group. It's a little known fact that if one hears multiple people say that same thing it is easily accepted as truth wether or not it is true. Media can do this stuff. Did we truly have a need or was it a percieved need to invade iraq? What about about going to Kosovo? If thats so then why haven't we gone to Dar-Fur? Why on Osama Bin Ladins warrant for arrest it is not stated that he is wanted for the attack on the twin towers?"
It was a perceived need based on intelligence gathered by multiple allied countries and validated by the C.I.A.
Invading iraq had NOTHING to do with the events on September eleventh. There was intelligence that stated there were WMDs in the country, a violation of several international treaties and a threat to the entire world. May i also mention that the U.S. was not the only country that went in to iraq? and that the C.I.A. was not the only intelligence agency that believed the false intelligence.
And about the warrant, maybe because "Attack on the twin towers" is not a legal charge? "Murder" is a charge. "Killing bob" is not a charge.
The end of the world will happen because people believe they are free-thinkers when they are simply believing what they hear on so-called "smart" tv shows and "maverick" news networks.