Put your irony radar on before proceeding to read the rest of this post.
This post is strictly meant to be humorous, I'm in no way angry, religious or brainwashed by some crazy sect. If you're offended by silly replies, look away... If you're offended by jokes with religious references, look away... If you ARE religious, you know the Lord will judge me, so you don't really need to be pointing fingers at me. I'm just a heathen swede you know...
All software sucks because they are made by humans, and we are all imperfect. Who are we to play God and create our own working environments? And how DARE you imply that we are allowed to have differing opinions? That's disgraceful!! If God had intended for us to be different, we wouldn't have gotten the bible.
Now... Please, can we stop whining? I'm getting a sore throat here.