I was browsing around my HD today when I came across some old SC screen shots. I don't know about you, but when I use to play StarCraft, I could play that game literally ALL DAY. I've been known to have 9-hour games online. Of course, these games were often not serious games. Who cares, right? As long as you're happy... Anyway, here a re a few screen shots. I was playing around in this one.. Call it being bored.

How many Zerg can fit in one screen...
I think my favorite map off all times is.. (I'll probably make someone mad) BigGameHunters. The reason was, well... the money, that and awesome expansions. That level created many different ways to kill your enemy too. So the question I ask everyone in the world is:
What is your favorite map.
Which race do you love/hate the most.
I played as the Zerg and Terran the most. Honestly, The Protoss are way to advanced and expensive for my liking. I preferred to win by attrition rather then win by superior races.
Anyway, I just thought I'd through that out your way. Let me know if anyone out there still plays SC. Maybe you could post a reply or let the rest of the world know which race is the best and how you can back it up.