Caps aren't meant to tear through everything.
Says who innociv?
I remember that the dev's said they are the core of ur fleet, leading ur fleet into the battles.
So why should HC's "tear through everything" but those highly specialsed killing machines not?
They are support ships.
uhm, again from where did u get this? Just cause they have special abilities doesnt mean they are support ships.
It doesnt make sense if ships called Battleships, Battlecruiser etc. are "support".
No in naval terms such descriptions are used for the ships which duke it out and provide the main firepower.
However if you get a battleship to a high level.. yeah those do tear through things.Part of the strategy is leveling up your caps.
this might work on huge games vs AI but seriously building many caps is rarely worth it.
They are simply to expensive.
Just calc how many HC's u get for the cost of building and researching 6 caps.
Also look at the multiplayer part. When was the last time u used more than 1 cap with Vasari or even TEC? Only Advent built a bit more due to superior abilities but for sure not for fighting.
Seriously i see all the time of 50+ fleets with just A SINGLE CAP.
Thats so wrong in so many ways...
The ratio of caps to cruiser/frigs is totaly off.
Caps are currently not playing the role they are supposed to play. Its more about choosing the right 1st cap as some sort of Wc3 Hero unit and then never care about caps again.
I mean the caps have so much potential to bring a bigger level of strategy to the game alone due to their abilities but u have to make em viable.
Currently their price to cost is just not good.
Maybe make them a lot stronger (adding more dmg, hull points and armor) while making it harder to get experience so that they are a lot more usefull early and not as godly later.